After breast surgery, wound complications are not uncommon. In patients with breast cancer, delayed wound healing may cause poor cosmesis and postpone the start of adjuvant therapy. Since there is now disagreement about the use of preventive negative pressure dressings in closed wounds following breast surgery, the goal of our research was to examine the literature regarding the usefulness of negative pressure wound management in oncoplastic breast surgery.
Zangeneh, A., & Zangeneh, M. M. (2024). The application of negative pressure wound treatment in oncoplastic breast surgery. International Journal of Clinical Medical Research, 2(1), 18. doi:10.61466/ijcmr2010003
ACS Style
Zangeneh, A.; Zangeneh, M. M. The application of negative pressure wound treatment in oncoplastic breast surgery. International Journal of Clinical Medical Research, 2024, 2, 18. doi:10.61466/ijcmr2010003
AMA Style
Zangeneh A, Zangeneh M M. The application of negative pressure wound treatment in oncoplastic breast surgery. International Journal of Clinical Medical Research; 2024, 2(1):18. doi:10.61466/ijcmr2010003
Chicago/Turabian Style
Zangeneh, Akram; Zangeneh, Mohammad M. 2024. "The application of negative pressure wound treatment in oncoplastic breast surgery" International Journal of Clinical Medical Research 2, no.1:18. doi:10.61466/ijcmr2010003
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ACS Style
Zangeneh, A.; Zangeneh, M. M. The application of negative pressure wound treatment in oncoplastic breast surgery. International Journal of Clinical Medical Research, 2024, 2, 18. doi:10.61466/ijcmr2010003
AMA Style
Zangeneh A, Zangeneh M M. The application of negative pressure wound treatment in oncoplastic breast surgery. International Journal of Clinical Medical Research; 2024, 2(1):18. doi:10.61466/ijcmr2010003
Chicago/Turabian Style
Zangeneh, Akram; Zangeneh, Mohammad M. 2024. "The application of negative pressure wound treatment in oncoplastic breast surgery" International Journal of Clinical Medical Research 2, no.1:18. doi:10.61466/ijcmr2010003
APA style
Zangeneh, A., & Zangeneh, M. M. (2024). The application of negative pressure wound treatment in oncoplastic breast surgery. International Journal of Clinical Medical Research, 2(1), 18. doi:10.61466/ijcmr2010003
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