A meta-analysis investigation was executed to measure the wound complications (WCs) frequency in minor technique gastrectomy (MTG) compared to open gastrectomy (OG) for gastric cancer (GC) .
A comprehensive literature inspection until February 2023 was applied and 2078 interrelated investigations were reviewed. The 17 chosen investigations enclosed 12746 individuals with GC were in the chosen investigations' starting point, 3052 of them were utilizing robotic gastrectomy (RG) , 6603 of them were utilizing laparoscopic gastrectomy (LG) and 3091 were utilizing OG. Odds ratio (OR) in addition to 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were used to compute the value of the WCs frequency in MTG compared to OG for GC by the dichotomous approaches and a fixed or random model.
No significant difference was found in surgical site wound infection (SSWI) between RG and OG (OR, 1.45; 95% CI, 0.89-2.35, p=0.13), LG and OG (OR, 0.75; 95% CI, 0.47-1.18 , p=0.21), and RG and LG (OR, 1.07; 95% CI, 0.72-1.60, p=0.73) in individuals with GC .
No significant difference was found in SSWI between RG , OG , and LG in individuals with GC . However, care must be exercised when dealing with its values because of the low number of nominated in the meta-analysis and the low sample size of some of the nominated investigations for the meta-analysis.
Sundaresan, A. (2023). Wound complications frequency in minor technique gastrectomy compared to open gastrectomy for gastric cancer: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Clinical Medical Research, 1(3), 12. doi:10.61466/ijcmr1030012
ACS Style
Sundaresan, A. Wound complications frequency in minor technique gastrectomy compared to open gastrectomy for gastric cancer: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Clinical Medical Research, 2023, 1, 12. doi:10.61466/ijcmr1030012
AMA Style
Sundaresan A. Wound complications frequency in minor technique gastrectomy compared to open gastrectomy for gastric cancer: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Clinical Medical Research; 2023, 1(3):12. doi:10.61466/ijcmr1030012
Chicago/Turabian Style
Sundaresan, Arjunan 2023. "Wound complications frequency in minor technique gastrectomy compared to open gastrectomy for gastric cancer: A meta-analysis" International Journal of Clinical Medical Research 1, no.3:12. doi:10.61466/ijcmr1030012
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ACS Style
Sundaresan, A. Wound complications frequency in minor technique gastrectomy compared to open gastrectomy for gastric cancer: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Clinical Medical Research, 2023, 1, 12. doi:10.61466/ijcmr1030012
AMA Style
Sundaresan A. Wound complications frequency in minor technique gastrectomy compared to open gastrectomy for gastric cancer: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Clinical Medical Research; 2023, 1(3):12. doi:10.61466/ijcmr1030012
Chicago/Turabian Style
Sundaresan, Arjunan 2023. "Wound complications frequency in minor technique gastrectomy compared to open gastrectomy for gastric cancer: A meta-analysis" International Journal of Clinical Medical Research 1, no.3:12. doi:10.61466/ijcmr1030012
APA style
Sundaresan, A. (2023). Wound complications frequency in minor technique gastrectomy compared to open gastrectomy for gastric cancer: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Clinical Medical Research, 1(3), 12. doi:10.61466/ijcmr1030012
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